Experience Editor
Create your own personalized image

You can create your own Image templates in two ways:

  • Clone an existing template within the Public or My Template libraries.

  • Clicking on Create a New Template to start from scratch.

1. To create a new Image Template from scratch, click on Create a New Template from either the Public or My Template Image libraries. This will launch the image editor.

Setting up the base image

1. Begin by configuring the background image or the base image for your template. The linked article will guide you through the various ways of achieving this.

In our demonstration, we have selected a previously uploaded image (from our media gallery) as the image background.

2. Once your background image/ canvas is configured, you can start to add components to your template.

Layout of the editor

The editor is divided into 2 sections:

  • The Canvas: This displays the base image for your template. The components are added directly on top of this.

  • Components & Properties: This displays the available components and their corresponding properties.

Adding personalized text to your image

1. To add personalized text to the Image Template, click on the Text Component tile. The text component appears on the image canvas and its corresponding properties appear on the right.

2. You can drag the text box on the canvas to reposition it, and drag the corners out to re-adjust its size.

3. The text content can be edited within Content tools, under Properties on the right. You can also adjust the font size, alignment, and color from here.

4. You can view the available personalization variables by clicking on the Select Variable dropdown.

You can always add additional personalization variables through the Enlist Variables tab. 

5. Copy the variable you would like to use within your text component and then paste it within the text editor.  

6. Under Design Tools you can adjust the text box size and set the 3D Warp.

Adding additional components to your image

From the components tab, you can click on any of the available components to add them to your image. 
These include: 
- Shapes 

Article guides for each of these components have been linked above

Template Meta Data

Once your personalized Image template has been designed, you can click on Define Meta to configure the template details such as the Template Name, Template description, and Category.

You can also configure the social preview for the image here. 

Congratulations! Your personalized image template is ready!

Remember to click on Save Template to save your efforts and your template. 

All your created templates can be found within your My Templates library.

You can learn more about sharing your created media from the Campaigns section of the knowledge base.
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Nexweave Knowledge Base | 2025