Experience Editor
Add a QR code to an image template
With this new feature, you can now add a QR Code in your image templates! These codes can redirect your audience to a webpage, download link or even include custom messages. 

The following steps detail how you can add and configure a QR Code in your image templates. 

1. Within the Image editor, you can locate the QR Code component under Components Click on this component to add it to the canvas

2. Click on the QR code within the canvas to open its properties to the right

3. Within Properties, under Source tools, you can specify your desired QR Code content.

This content can be a website, a link or a custom message. 

4. Type in your desired message within the QR Code Content input box 

5. To incorporate personalization, you can also click on the Select Variable dropdown to copy your desired variable, and paste it within the code content input.

6. Under Properties > Design tools, you can adjust the QR code look and feel. 

7. To edit the border:
  • Click on the border color block to select the border color of your choice
  • Set your desired value for the border width/ weight from the weight input
8.  By default, the QR Code component takes a square shape. To edit the border radius, enter your desired value in the Radius input.

Please note: It is not advised to set this value too high, as it may accidentally cut out the edges of the code and your audience will be unable to scan it.

 9. You can also set the value for Rotate to adjust the rotation of the QR code.

10. By default, the aspect ratio of the QR Code is locked and cannot be adjusted. You can adjust the size of the logo by dragging its corners from within the canvas. However the relative height and width will remain constant. (when you adjust the height, the width will automatically change)

11. The blur and opacity adjustments have also been disabled for the QR code, to ensure that a viewer is able to see the code clearly and to avoid errors in scanning the code. 

Ensure you click on Save Template to save any changes!

A few points to note with regard to the QR code component:

1. This component is only available for Image templates. For video templates, you can add interactivity to any component including buttons, text and images

2. Ensure that the QR code content is not too dense. Or if the message is large, ensure that the size of the QR code is large enough for it to be clearly visible to scan by your audience

3. Ensure that the size of your base image is large and that the size of the QR code is large enough to be visible and clear enough to be scannable  to your audience. To preview the image, as it would appear to your audience, you can go to the Define Meta tab and click on Generate Preview

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Nexweave Knowledge Base | 2025