Experience Editor
Add personalized images to templates

Nexweave not only allows you to personalize the text that you add to your media templates but also lets you personalize images!

Each recipient can see a different image based on their personal information or preferences. 

The steps below provide a guide for adding a personalised image to an image template. The same method can be adapted for video templates as well: 

1. Start by enlisting an image as a personalization variable. Click on Enlist Variables within the template editor.

2. Click on Add Variable.

3. For Key, input the variable name. In our demonstration, we have set the variable name to PRODUCT_IMAGE

4. For value input the image URL that you would like to use. Click on Save Template to confirm the changes.

5. Back under Design Experience, under Components click on the Image tile to add it to the canvas. Its properties will open on the right.

6. Under Source Tools, click on the Select Variable dropdown and copy the Image variable created in the previous steps (PRODUCT_IMAGE in our demonstration).

7. In the Image URL input box, paste this personalization variable. Click on Save Template to complete!

Your personalised image is ready! When creating a campaign and linking your audience data, you can specify separate audience information (for each variable used) for each recipient.

At your viewer’s end, they will see a completely customized and personalised image/ video. As though it was made just for them!

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Nexweave Knowledge Base | 2025