Nexweave empowers you to add layers of interactivity to your videos to help promote greater engagement with your audience.
You may have already caught a glimpse into adding interactivity to buttons in the previous articles. Nexweave however, allows you to add Interaction to any type of component, not just to buttons.
In the steps detailed below, we will take an example of adding interaction to an image component. But these steps can be replicated for any component type:
Start by, clicking on the component on the canvas that you would like to add interactions to. Its corresponding properties open to the right.
Click on Interaction Tools
There are 4 kinds of interactive actions that can be added to a component. These are:
1. Redirect: When you select redirect from the dropdown, a URL input appears below. Enter your desired URL here. This can be your website, product page or custom landing page

When the viewer clicks on the interactive component, they will be redirected to this URL.
2. Email. This option, when selected, will prompt you to enter an Email address (to send an email to), an email subject, and email body.
To incorporate personalization into the Email subject or body, click on the Select Variable dropdown, copy the desired personalisation variable, and paste it into the subject line or body.

3. Phone: This option, when selected, will prompt you to enter a phone number.
Please note that this interaction is only applicable when the viewer of the video watches it on their mobile phones. From the viewer’s perspective, when they click on a component with phone interactivity, they will see a pop-up to dial the configured phone number.
4. Seek: The seek interactivity enables you to set another time frame within the video that you would like the viewer to jump to when they click on the interactive component. A detailed guide to link a component to another time frame within the video has been provided here.
There are 2 additional options that appear when assigning interactivity to a component. These are - Pause and Checkpoint
Pause and checkpoint, determine the video behaviour before the interaction is executed.
Pause will pause the video for the stipulated duration, while it waits for the user to perform the click. After the time is elapsed, the video will continue to play regardless of whether the user clicks on the interactive component
If you check the box for Pause, enter the corresponding seconds you would like to pause the video for.Checkpoint will halt the video when the interactive element appears and the video will only proceed when the user clicks on the interactive component.
If you check the box for Checkpoint, there is no input for the duration requested. This is because the video is halted till the user performs the click.
You can refer to the article Pause vs Checkpoint to learn more about the settings and how to use them.
You’re ready to add interactions to your very own video!