Experience Editor
Creating links to another timeframe within the video (seek interaction)

Nexweave allows you to create interactions that link different timeframes within the video.

In 'An overview of interactions', we described how you can set an interaction wherein a viewer is redirected to a website, prompted to make a call or send an email when they click on a particular component.

In this article, we will demonstrate how you can redirect a viewer to another timeframe within the same video.

In the steps detailed below, we will take an example of adding this interaction to a Lottie component. But these steps can be replicated for any component type:

1. Click on the component on the video canvas that you would like to add the interaction to.

2. Click on Interaction Tools, and from the dropdown, select Seek.

3. You will then be prompted to enter a Seek To time stamp. The Seek To time stamp determines the time frame that the video will jump to when the user clicks on the component.

4. 2 additional options appear when assigning interactivity to a component. These are - Pause and Checkpoint

Pause and checkpoint determine the video behaviour before the interaction is executed.

  • Pause will pause the video for the stipulated duration, while it waits for the user to perform the click. After the time is elapsed, the video will continue to play regardless of whether the user clicks on the interactive component

    If you check the box for Pause, enter the corresponding seconds you would like to pause the video for.

  • Checkpoint will halt the video when the interactive element appears and the video will only proceed when the user clicks on the interactive component

    If you check the box for Checkpoint, there is no input for the duration requested. This is because the video is halted till the user performs the click.

You can refer to the article Pause vs Checkpoint to learn more about the settings and how to use them.

5. Here’s an example of what the final product of the seek interaction looks like!

You can be as innovative as you like with this feature and utilise it to create mini-quizzes or games for your viewers! Samples of Interactive Video templates can be found in the Public Templates library

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Nexweave Knowledge Base | 2025