Experience Editor
Add buttons to videos

Nexweave allows you to add Call to actions and links to external websites directly to a video experience. Buttons can be completely customised for their content, appearance and interactivity.

The following steps will guide you through adding and customising buttons:

1. Click on the Button component tile to add it to the experience. The corresponding properties will open on the right

2. From the components Manager, below the canvas, adjust the timeline for the button.

3. To edit the button content, click on Content tools, under Properties. Type your desired message in the text editor.

4. You can also edit the font, text colour and size from within Content tools

5. Under Design Tools, you can modify the appearance of the button, such as the background, border, roundedness opacity etc. These have been detailed within the Design tools section of the knowledge base.

6. You can also add animations to the button under Animation Tools

7. To specify button actions, click on the Interaction tools. By default the interaction selected here is Redirect

8. In the input box below, enter the URL you would like the viewer to be redirected to when they click the button

9. There are 2 additional options that appear when assigning interactivity to a component. These are - Pause and Checkpoint. Pause and checkpoint, determine the video behaviour before the interaction is executed.

  • Pause will pause the video for the stipulated duration, while it waits for the user to perform the click. After the time is elapsed, the video will continue to play regardless of whether the user clicks on the interactive component

  • Checkpoint will halt the video when the interactive element appears and the video will only proceed when the user clicks on the interactive component.

The other kinds of available interaction options have been covered in the Interactions overview article within the knowledge base 

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Nexweave Knowledge Base | 2025