Use Nexweave with your favorite automation platforms to help you make the most of automated workflows and engage your customers with real-time hyper-personalized experiences!
In this article, we will take you through how you can collect responses received from forms shared with your audience to create and send a real-time Nexweave powered personalized image via email. What's more? You can hyperlink this image so that when a recipient clicks on it, they are redirected to a personalized landing page for them as well!
In our demonstration, we have created a Google form to collect our audience information; and direct our emails via Gmail. You may choose to use any other compatible form and email application
Before you dive into setting up the automation, you will need to create the following:
A Google form that requests the relevant audience information and automatically collects the responses within a google sheet. You may use any other compatible form application for this workflow as well.
Ensure that there is at least one sample response collected from your form, as this will be used to test the Pabbly workflow
The Image and video templates that you wish to share with your audience via email and embed in your landing page. You can also learn how to create image templates and video templates with the help of the linked documents.
For our demonstration, we have created the following templates :
An Image Template - to embed in the email
A Video Template - to embed within the landing page
An Image Template - that will be used as the thumbnail for the above video
As can be seen, each of our templates contains the variables for USERNAME and DOMAIN (company website). The same information is being collected from our google form.
3. Lastly, we created a custom landing page, in which the video in the first fold has been embedded from our Nexweave template above.

You can refer to the linked articles to learn how to embed Nexweave media in custom landing pages, and how to use the website personalization plug-in.
Creating a Campaign
To make the created templates available to use with Pabbly, you first need to create a campaign.
Navigate to Campaigns and click on Create a New Campaign.
Set your campaign name and set the campaign type to Image + Video.
Next, select the templates that you created above, and would like to use in your automated workflow.
We have selected the same Image, Video, and Video thumbnail template, created above.In our demonstration, since we are adding the Nexweave video to a landing page that was custom created, under Landing page URL we have selected the option for custom URL and entered our custom domain -
Once your campaign is configured, click on Save & Proceed.
Next, set the activation method to URL Override.
Adjust the fallback values if you wish to and click on Save.
Finally, click on Launch Campaign.
Once done, your campaign will be ready to invoke within the automation platform.
Setting up the automation
Once the above has been created, proceed to create the automated workflow. In our demonstration, we have used Pabbly to set up our automation. However, you can use any other compatible platform of your choice. The following workflow was created:
The steps to achieve this have been detailed below:
Log into your Pabbly account and click on Create Workflow.
Set the first application to Google Forms (or any alternative form application that you are using). Then, set the trigger event to New response in the spreadsheet.
Next, connect Pabbly with the Google Sheet that is collecting your form responses.
Once your Google form/ sheet is connected with a Pabbly, a test response from your sheet will be sent to Pabbly.
The form we built for our demonstration requests 2 pieces of information from the audience and captures them under 2 variables:
1.Enter First Name - The first name of the respondent
2.Enter your Business Email Address - The respondent’s email address
With this trigger, each time a new google form is submitted, the above responses will be captured in a new row within the spreadsheet.
The Google form we have created collects our audience’s business email. Whereas our Nexweave templates require data for the domain/ company website.
We, therefore, need to extract the domain from the business email id. To do so, click on the ‘+’ icon, select Text Formatter, and set the Action Event as Split Text.
Once the connection is established, set:
Text to split: to the Business email address response from the google form
Separator: to ‘@’. This is because we want everything after ‘@’ in the email address (assuming that it matches the company domain)
Segment Index: Second. Since we want everything after @
Click on Save & Send Test Request. The response received should be the company domain, as shown below:
Add another step to the Pabbly workflow. This time set the App to Nexweave and the Action Event to Create an Experience with a Campaign.
If this is your first time using Nexweave with Pabbly, connect Nexweave using an API key, as demonstrated in the linked article.
Once your Nexweave account is connected, the campaigns from that login will be listed within Pabbly. From the Select Campaign dropdown, select the campaign created above (that contains your chosen personalization templates)
The variables employed in the campaign will then appear below. Map these Nexweave variables, to the fields of information collected via the Google form and formatted by the text formatted.
In our demonstration, we have mapped:
USERNAME --- What if your First Name? : Shreya
DOMAIN --- Result:
Click on Save & Send Test Response. Pabbly will then generate a personalized Image Link, Video link, and Thumbnail link based on the information it received from the Google form
You now have to specify how you would like this personalized image to be shared with your audience. Add another step to the workflow and select the email application you would like to use.
In our demonstration, we have chosen Gmail as the Application for this step
Next, set the Action Event to Send an Email.
Once the Email App is selected and connected, the various email fields appear below. These fields, when populated, maybe a combination of text as well as variables that have been created through the course of the workflow. You will need to fill in all the fields before completing the workflow
In our demonstration, we have mapped the following:
Next, configure the message you would like to include in your email body. To personalize it, you can input any of the response fields generated from the previous steps
To embed the nexweave image and hyperlink it to the video landing page, enter the following email embed code within the body of the email:
<a href=VIDEO LINK>
<img src=IMAGE LINK width=70%>
Where in place of VIDEO LINK, you will need to add the video link generated from the Nexweave step of the workflow
And in place of IMAGE LINK, you will need to add the image link generated from the Nexweave step of the workflow

Once completed, click on Save & Send Test Request to verify if the email has been sent, as designed, and containing the data collected from the form.
On the top right corner of the page, ensure that the Workflow Status is kept to ON.
That’s It! Once set up, this workflow is automated and will run smoothly without intervention