Image templates are imperative for designing a personalised experience. Nexweave has the ability to create personalised, one of a kind images that can be shared along with curated videos to boost engagement.
Clicking on Image Templates within the Menu, reveals 2 libraries:
Public templates
My templates
Public Templates
As the name suggests, the Public template library hosts an extensive range of Image templates designed for a multitude of potential scenarios. These are not only ready to use but can also be customised to your liking and saved for future use.
You can click the Menu icon against any of these templates, to view the following available actions:

1. Use: Clicking on Use will allow you to preview the template alongside the list of variables that it employs. To test the template, you can edit any of these variable values, and click on Generate link.
The URL that is generated will give you a true demonstration of the image, as your customers will be able to see it. Please note however, that this is a temporary link only valid for a period of 4 hours.
To share this template with your customers, you can run a Quick Campaign from this page, or Create a New Campaign. These have been discussed in the Campaigns section of the knowledge base

2. Clone: For an Image template within the public library, clicking on Clone will immediately launch the Image editor with a duplicate of the selected template
My templates
My Templates contains a library of Image templates that have been cloned or created from scratch by you. In other words, it is your private library of Image templates.
Once a template is created, you can perform the following actions, by clicking on the menu against each template:

1. Use: Similar to Public templates, this action will allow you to test your template for custom variable inputs and run Quick Campaigns.
2. Clone: Similar to public templates, clicking on this action launches the image editor with a duplicate of the selected template, that can be modified as per your objective.
3. Edit: This will launch the image editor for the selected template allowing you to make changes to it, without duplicating it.

4. Delete: This option enables you to remove this template altogether from your private library.

Once your personalised content is created, the next step is sharing it with your audience.
Personalised Images created with Nexweave are versatile! Click here to view the various ways in which you can use Nexweave images.
Learn about Creating Campaigns to share these images/gifs by themselves, or combine them with personalised and interactive video experiences.