In today’s world, people are always on the move, as is your audience! There’s no guarantee of when or where they may access their emails or messages. They could be on their computers at work, browsing through their laptops at home, or on their phones while commuting.
With all the effort you pour into building your marketing media, it’s important to us that your audience has the best experience with any Nexweave image or video they receive.
Keeping this in mind, Nexweave now allows you to create and share separate personalized and interactive videos for mobile and desktop devices with the same video link! Whether your recipient views a video from you on their phones or on their desktops, they’re guaranteed to have a memorable experience.
How does this work?
Let’s take a quick look at what your audience would receive:

The same video link is shared across your audience. The viewers that access the video via desktop, view the video on the left, while those who access it via a mobile device view the video on the right.
Within one composite link, you are able to provide your audience with a comprehensive viewing experience!
Please note: the video is not auto-responsive to the different device types but is created separately keeping the device types in mind.
How is it set up?
You can set up your video template such that you can design separate experiences for a mobile and desktop viewer. Let’s break down how this can be achieved:
1. To create a new video template, click on Create a New Template within either the Public or My Template video libraries.

2. Just as the video editor is launched, you will receive the following prompt - Would you like to design separate experiences for mobile and desktop?

3. Next, set a Background Video for your template. All additional layers will be added to this base.
Please note: This background video, by default, is for the Desktop View.

4. The dimension of the video template is determined by the dimension of the selected background video. Please keep this in mind while selecting your desired background videos for the different device types.
5. Once your background video is selected, you can proceed by adding components to your videos as detailed in the article Creating your own video template.
6. On the top left of your video canvas you will be able to see the following:
A checkbox for Design separately for mobile and desktop view. When checked, this indicates that the videos are being separately designed for both device types.
The toggle switch indicates the view you are currently designing for. You can click on it to switch the device type.
Once again, please note that by default Nexweave will start you off as designing for a desktop experience.

7. To design the video for a mobile device type, click on the device toggle on the top left corner of the video editor, to switch to the mobile experience editor.

9. If you have previously added any elements to your desktop experience video, you can click on Copy components from desktop experience to copy them over to the mobile view video.

10. The mobile video is designed in exactly the same way as it is for a desktop video. You can find the steps to Creating your own Video Template in the linked article.
11. Remember to click on Save Template to ensure that any changes you make are saved.
What happens if you don’t design for separate device types?
While creating a video template, you may also set the prompt - Would you like to design separate experiences for mobile and desktop? to NO.
In this case, the following happens:
1. Above the video canvas, within the editor, the checkbox for Design separately for mobile and desktop is unchecked.
2. The toggle switch to change between the 2 device types is disabled.

PLEASE NOTE: This does not mean that recipients who access your video from their mobile phones or their desktop devices will not be able to access or view the video. It just means that regardless of the device type, the same video will be distributed and displayed.

What if you change your mind mid-way?
Let’s explore 2 possibilities here:
- At any point in your design process, you can check the box for Design separately for desktop & mobile.
- You will then be prompted to select the device you want to use the existing experience for.
If you select Desktop, for example, the existing video will appear under desktop view. However, a completely new Mobile View video will have to be designed. - Lastly, the toggle switch to navigate between the 2 views will be enabled.

2. You initially selected YES when asked if you would like to design separate experiences for mobile and desktop.
At any point in your design process, you can uncheck the box for Design separately for desktop & mobile.
You will then be prompted to choose between the created Mobile & Desktop videos for the video to retain. The other video created will automatically be discarded. Please note that this action is not reversible.
For example, if you select Desktop, then the video is designed for the Desktop view will be retained while the Mobile view video will be discarded.
Lastly, the toggle switch to navigate between the 2 views will be disabled.

What happens if you clone a template?
If you Clone any of the existing public templates, the Nexweave editor assumes the same settings, with regard to the device type, as the original template.
2. For example, if you clone a template that does NOT have a separate mobile and desktop experience, the cloned template will:
Have the Design separately for mobile and desktop box unchecked.
The toggle switch will be disabled.
You can always check the Design separately box to create a separate experience based on device types, as described above.
2. On the other hand, if you clone a template that does have separate experiences for mobile and desktop users, then the cloned template will:
Have the Design separately for mobile and desktop box checked.
The toggle switch will be enabled.
There you have it! In one single link, and ultimately via one single campaign, you can target your audience across device types and ensure an enjoyable viewing experience for them.
To learn about the various video components, adding animations, interactions, creating templates, and running campaigns, you can refer to the linked articles and sections.