Experience Editor
Animating components

A large part of creating an engaging videos for your audience involves designing smooth transitions and animations.

Every component/ element that is added to a Nexweave video can be animated for its transition In and out, as well as for its duration. In the steps detailed below, we will take an example of animating a text component. But these steps can be replicated for any component:

1. Within the Video Editor, click on the component on the canvas that you would like to animate. Its corresponding properties open to the right

2. Click on Animation Tools

3. Under Animation Tools, you will see 3 tabs:

  • In: This determines the animation for the component entry.
  • Out: This determines the animation for the component exit.
  • During: This determines any animation for the component while it is present and visible in the video.

    You can click on any of these tabs to customise the corresponding animation. By default, the animation is set to None.

4. Click on the None dropdown under IN, DURING and OUT to set the animation type for each respectively.

5. For IN and OUT transitions, you will also have to set the time duration for the animation.

6. Once you select an animation type, it will automatically preview on the canvas.

7. Once you're happy with your animation settings, don't forget to save the template!

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Nexweave Knowledge Base | 2025