Print Integration
Nexweave has integrated with to allow you to share personalized images and videos directly through Whatsapp!
Pre-requisites and Initial Setup
Ready your Nexweave templates
Start by identifying or creating the personalized images or videos that you would like to share.
Add a communication channel
1. Navigate to the Communication section within Nexweave and click on Add Channel

2. Set your channel to Whatsapp. Then add a channel Name
3. And finally add your API key. You can refer to this video to learn how to create your API key

4. Click on Proceed to continue
Setup your Whatsapp message template
Please note: WhatsApp official API does not permit any messages to be sent directly. There are templates that need to be approved from the and only messages that adhere to these templates can then be sent using WhatsaApp official API
1. From the platform, setup the whatsapp message template where you would like add your personalized image or video
2. Please have a look at this video to learn how you can create and get approval for message templates in
Create a Nexweave Campaign
Once your initial setup is complete, proceed to the Campaigns section and click on Create a New Campaign
1. Configure your campaign
- Set your campaign name
- Select your desired campaign media type from the drop down
- Then proceed by selecting the Nexweave templates you created/identified during the setup process
- Finally, set the Enable distribution switch to ON and click on Save and Proceed to continue

2. Campaign Activation
Please note: The integration only works with the bulk link campaign activation method
- Click on Download Template to download the Nexweave compatible empty CSV template
- This CSV sheet will contain all the variables from your selected templates as column headers. In addition to the variable names, you will also see an additional column for contact no.

- Populate this CSV sheet with all your audience information for each variable as well as their contact numbers.
- Then, within Nexweave, click on Upload CSV and upload this populated CSV back to Nexweave
- Then, click on Generate Links to generate the personalized media links for each row of audience information. You can click on Download Links to download these generated bulk links in one go

3. Campaign Distribution
- Next navigate to the Distribute Tab within the campaign
- Set your account as the Communication channel you had created during the initial setup process. Click on Fetch to confirm

- Next select the WhatsApp message template that you would like to use.
Please note: This templates listed here are filtered from your approved templates created within in your selected channel

4. Configuring message details
- As soon as you select your WhatsApp message template, the message details are populated along with available variables from your selected Nexweave media templates.

The following fields appear:
> Header parameter : corresponding to the image.
> Body Parameters : corresponding to the written message under the image
> URL parameters : corresponding to the CTA the image is linked to (This will appear IF your Whatsapp message template includes a CTA)
In our example, we have selected a template that contains an image and a message. This is why we only see the Header parameter and the body parameter.
- In our example, we have denoted all variables in our WhastApp message templates as {{number}}. Eg- {{1}}, {{2}}..
- Under each parameter, you can match the WhatsApp message variables with the corresponding Nexweave template variables.
- Header parameter is automatically mapped to the [IMAGE_URL]. Which is the variable denoting the personalized image URL variable
- Under body parameters, we have replaced {{1}} with [USERNAME]. You can see this update in the text in the message preview on the right.

Finally, you can preview your message by entering a WhatsApp number and clicking on Send Preview.
Please note the format for the number is county code, followed by the mobile number. For example, for an Indian number this would be 9198xxxxxxxx
Please note the format for the number is county code, followed by the mobile number. For example, for an Indian number this would be 9198xxxxxxxx
Once you’re happy with the message preview, click on Start. and Nexweave will start populating your message templates and sharing them with your entire CSV of audience information!