Experience Editor
Personalized Logo Within a Nexweave Template
Nexweave recently updated its UI and got a new look! You will notice differences (especially in the colours) between the graphics and screenshots you see in this article and the corresponding sections within the Nexweave platform. Don’t worry though, because the steps and processes this article details remain the same. Moreover, we’re going to updating this article to reflect our platform changes very soon. Stay tuned and keep reading!

Nexweave not only allows you to personalize text components within a media template but also enables you to insert dynamic personalized images! These images can be product recommendations, profile images, website screenshots, company logos and much more!

In this article, we will guide you through how you can use clearbit to easily incorporate personalized logos within your media templates. 

1. Start by creating a new template, or edit an existing template.  

In our demonstration, we are adding a logo to an Image template, however the same steps can be applied to video templates as well

2. From the Enlist Variable tab within the editor, enlist a new variable for the company website or domain. This variable will be used as an input by clearbit to generate the logo for that particular company 

3. Under the Design Experience tab, add an image component to your template and position it based on where you would like the logo to be located

4. While the image component is selected, under Properties on the right, expand Source tools

5. Set the image URL to

6. Then, click on the Select Variable dropdown, and copy the domain/ company website variable created in the previous steps

7. Paste this copied variable at the end of the set image URL. In our example, the image URL becomes:[DOMAIN]

8. You can adjust the image to take it’s default aspect ratio, by clicking on reset under Design Tools. You can also check the option for lock here to ensure that any changes to the image size happen keeping this aspect ratio intact.

9. To make the logo circular you can set the Radius under Design Tools to 100.0

10. Your template is ready. Click on Save template to save all changes. 

The logo is associated with the variable for DOMAIN, hence each time a new DOMAIN is entered a new logo will be generated and dynamically added to your template.

You can test out your template, by locating it within your template library, clicking on the menu and selecting Use.

Enter the values that you want the different variables to take on the right and click on Generate Link to see how the template changes for the different values.
As you can see, for different DOMAIN values, the logo and the company screenshot dynamically change!

Try it out for yourself! You can learn about inserting a dynamic website screenshot in your template in the linked article 

To learn more about how you can share these templates with your audience, please have a look at the Campaigns section

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Nexweave Knowledge Base | 2025