Experience Editor
Share Personalized PDFs
Nexweave recently updated its UI and got a new look! You will notice differences (especially in the colours) between the graphics and screenshots you see in this article and the corresponding sections within the Nexweave platform. Don’t worry though, because the steps and processes this article details remain the same. Moreover, we’re going to updating this article to reflect our platform changes very soon. Stay tuned and keep reading!

Use Nexweave with your favorite automation platforms to help you make the most of automated workflows and engage your customers with real-time hyper-personalized experiences!

You may have come across an earlier use case where we demonstrated how you can share personalized presentations with your prospects. This article is an extension of the same use case. In this article, we will take you through how you can create and share personalized PDFs, using Google slides and Nexweave and share them with your audience via email.



Before you start setting up the automation, you will need to create the following:

  1. A Google Sheet that collects and stores all the relevant audience information. You may use any other compatible data source for this workflow as well. 

Ensure that there is at least one row of your audiences’ information stored in the Google Sheet, as this will be used to test the workflow while setting up the automation.

  1. A presentation on Google Slides, with a placeholder image on the slide which will be replaced by the personalized image created above.


In our demonstration, we have placed a blank image in Slide 3.

  1. The personalized Image template that you wish to add as a slide in the presentation. You can also learn how to create image templates with the help of the linked document or learn the same using our video tutorials as well.

For our demonstration, we have created this image template:


The image template created here contains the variables for USERNAME and DOMAIN. The same information is being stored and collected in our Google Sheet.

  1. A Google Drive folder, where will be creating and storing copies of the sample presentation created above. This will be a unique copy for each row of prospect information from the Google sheet

Creating a Campaign:

To make the created templates available to use with Pabbly, you first need to create a campaign.

  1. Navigate to Campaigns and click on Create a New Campaign.

  2. Set your campaign name and set the campaign type to Image.

  3. Next, select the template that you created above, and would like to use in your automated workflow.
    We have selected the same Image template created above. 


  1. Once your campaign is configured, click on Save & Proceed.

  2. Next, set the activation method to URL Override.

  3. Adjust the fallback values if you wish to and click on Save.

  4. Finally, click on Launch Campaign

Once launched, your campaign will be ready to invoke within the automation platform.

Setting up the automation:

Once the above steps are created and completed, proceed to create the automated workflow. 

In our demonstration, we have used Pabbly to set up our automation. However, you can use any other compatible platform of your choice. The following workflow was created:


The steps to achieve this have been detailed below:

Log into your Pabbly account and click on Create Workflow.

Step 1 - Application: Google Sheets

   Action Event: New Spreadsheet Row


  • Connect Pabbly with the Google Sheet that contains your audience information. The step by step guide is mentioned within Pabbly.

  • Once the connection is set up, a test response from your sheet will be sent to Pabbly.

    The test response will be the same as the first row of the audience information sent from the Google Sheet. The 3 pieces of information of the audience are captured under 3 variables:

  1. NAME 

  2. EMAIL 


With this trigger, each time a new row with the information of an audience is entered in the Google Sheet, the above responses will be captured.

Step 2 - Application: Google Sheets

     Action Event: New Spreadsheet Row

Please note: This is to ensure that we can see a copy of the presentation before we upload the Nexweave image inside it.
  • Once the connection is established, the required fields for this step will be listed below:

  • File:  specify the google slide presentation that you want to be copied. 

  • New Folder Location, specify the google drive folder where you would like these copies files to be located.

  • Copied file name, set the name that you would like for the copy of your presentation to take. 


Please Note: Use the same Gmail account which has access to both the Google Slides Presentation and the Google Drive folder created to store the presentations.

  • Click on Save and Send Test Request. A file Id will be generated and the specified  google drive folder will contain the copied presentation


Step 3 - Application: Nexweave

   Action Event: Create an Experience with a Campaign

  • If this is your first time using Nexweave with Pabbly, connect Nexweave using an API key.

  • Select the campaign created above (that contains your chosen personalization template).

  •  The variables employed in the campaign will then appear below. Map these Nexweave variables, to the fields of information collected via google sheets.


In our demonstration, we have mapped:

USERNAME --- 1. NAME: Shreya


  • Click on Save & Send Test Response. Pabbly will then generate a personalized Image Link.


Step 4 - Application: Google Slides

    Action Event: Upload Image in Presentation

  • Once the connection has been established, various fields will appear below.

  • To keep the naming of the Template Presentation dynamic, set the Map button to ON. From the dropdown, select the File ID response.

  • Set your desired Image Replace method.

  • Select the generated Image link from the response of the Nexweave step to place the image in the corresponding slide.

  • In our demonstration, we have mapped the following:

    • Template presentation -- 3.Id 15hEeSM_bxpefUvZxi0dLklyCQ7YFHJiktXI7XxldAVI

    • Slide 3 Image 1 --  2. Image Link :

Every newly copied file will have a unique file id for every name in the Google Sheet and the Upload Image in Presentation action will take place within the new id. 

  • Click on Save and Send Request. A Presentation Id will be generated.
    Secondly, within your copied presentation, you will now be able to see a personalized Nexweave Image instead of the placeholder image. 

Step 5 - Application: Google Drive

   Action Event: Share a file with anyone


  • To keep the naming of the File ID dynamic, set the Map button to ON. From the dropdown, select the Presentation ID response.

  • Click on Save and Send Request. The Google Slides status changes from “private to me only” to “anyone with the link”. 


  • In the response captured by Pabbly, a download PDF link will also be generated which will then be shared with our audience via email.

Step 6 - Application: Nexweave

   Action Event: Create an Experience with a Campaign


  • Through this step, we are adding a personalized Nexweave image which will be embedded in the email.

  • Follow the same method followed previously for Step 3.

This is what the image template looks like:


This entire step is carried out to make the email more personalized and is completely optional.

Step 7 - Application: Gmail

   Action Event: Send an email


This personalized presentation can be shared the same way the personalized presentation was shared.

  •  Once the Email App is selected and connected, the various email fields appear below. Populate the fields, using a combination of text as well as variables.

In our demonstration, we have mapped:

               - Recipient Name ---  1. NAME : Shreya

               - Recipient Email --- 1. EMAIL : [email protected]

               - Sender Name--- Nexweave

               - Sender Email Address--- [email protected]

               - Email Subject --- Nexweave_personalized for you

  • To add the personalized media to the email body, under Email Content enter the code :

<a href="Res2 ExportLinks Application/pdf"> 

<img src="generatedimagelink" width="75%"> 


  • Replace generated image link in the above code with the image link label created in the previous Nexweave action.

  • Once completed, click on Save & Send Test Request to verify if the email has been sent, as designed, and contains the presentation and the PDF which is hyperlinked to the image.

  • On the top right corner of the page, ensure that the Workflow Status is kept to ON

This is what the email looks like when shared with the audience:


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