The following steps walk you through inviting and managing members to your team:
1. Navigate to the My Account section and click on Manage Team
2. To add a member, click on Add a new member

3. In the modal, enter the email address of the team member you’d like to invite and click on Send Invite to confirm.

4. You can send an invitation to registered Nexweave users as well as new users you’d like to invite to your team
5. Once sent, an email is launched to the invited, requesting them to accept. The Invitation status is visible under the Manage Teams page itself

6. To cancel any pending invitation, click on delete against the relevant invitation.
7. Manage team also shows you the list of your team members, or list of users who have access to your workspace. To remove them from your team, click on delete against any team member and click on Yes to confirm the selection.

Unable to see a Manage Teams option? This could be because of the following possible reasons:
Your current subscription plan does not allow you to have multiple team members
Your account is a sub-account team member
Unable to add an email as a team member? This could be because of the following possible reasons:
The email you are adding is associated with a sub account or is a sub account team member
If your account is a sub-account, you cannot invite an email that is already registered with Nexweave to your team. The email you enter must not be associated with any existing Nexweave account. You can learn more about sub account teams here