We understand that you may be managing multiple projects or customers of your own, for which it is imperative for you to have unique Nexweave accounts each equipped with their own private template libraries, credits and campaigns.

Understanding Sub Accounts and Master Accounts
Nexweave recently updated its UI and got a new look! You will notice differences (especially in the colors) between the graphics and screenshots you see in this article and the corresponding sections within the Nexweave platform. Don’t worry though, because the steps and processes this article details remain the same. Moreover, we’re going to update this article to reflect our platform changes very soon. Stay tuned and keep reading!
We understand that you may be managing multiple projects or customers of your own, for which it is imperative for you to have unique Nexweave accounts each equipped with their own private template libraries, credits and campaigns.
Keeping this in mind, Nexweave has introduced the ability to create sub-accounts! Think of sub-accounts as separate nexweave accounts, for each project or customer that you manage. These sub-accounts operate as completely independent Nexweave accounts, with their own assigned credits and number of team members. The templates created/ cloned and campaigns run are not shared between any 2 sub-accounts.
Please note: The sub-accounts feature is only available with a Nexweave subscription of Tier 3 or higher
Please note: The sub-accounts feature is only available with a Nexweave subscription of Tier 3 or higher
Before we dive deeper into sub-accounts, let’s take a step back to understand what a Nexweave master account is.
A master account is any regular Nexweave account, with all the functionality and features. What sets it apart, is the ability to create sub-accounts. Under their My Account section, master accounts see an additional option for Sub-Accounts

It is important to note that a master account can have multiple sub-accounts created and managed by it. However, one sub-account can only be managed by one master account.
For example, a Nexweave account - A, can create 2 sub-accounts - X & Y. But X & Y cannot be owned or managed by any other master account other than A.
While creating the sub-account, the master account is also responsible for assigning the credits and number of users available to the sub-account. These credits and users are allotted from the total credit and user limit of the Nexweave subscription.
For example, if as per the subscription plan, Nexweave master account A, has access to 10,000 credits per month and 20 users. They can allot:
- 5,000 credits and 10 users to sub-account X
- 3,000 credits and 5 users to sub-account Y
- Retain 2,000 credits and 5 users with the master account
You can learn more about creating and managing sub-accounts in the linked article