Experience Editor
KonnectzIT Integration
Nexweave recently updated its UI and got a new look! You will notice differences (especially in the colours) between the graphics and screenshots you see in this article and the corresponding sections within the Nexweave platform. Don’t worry though, because the steps and processes this article details remain the same. Moreover, we’re going to updating this article to reflect our platform changes very soon. Stay tuned and keep reading!

Nexweave integrates with Konnectzit, enabling you to automate personalized media responses for various scenarios and elevating your customer engagement to the next level.

With access to 600+ applications, you can achieve a seamless synergy between Nexweave and your entire marketing stack!  

While Nexweave cannot be used as a trigger in KonnectzIT, there are 3 actions available with Nexweave: 

1. Create Experience with Campaign : This allows you to select one of your existing campaigns, to generate the media templates it contains

2. Create Video Experience with Template: This allows you to select one of the video templates that you have created/ cloned, ie templates from your private library 

3. Create Image/Gif Experience with Template: This allows you to select one of the Image/ Gif templates that you have created/cloned, ie templates from your private library

These 3 actions will create the selected media templates, based on audience information that is fed to them. As a response to the Nexweave action event, an Image Link, a Video Link and thumbnail link, or all 3 are generated. These links then need to be fed to a communication platform -be it email, chat , whatsapp etc

Therefore, Nexweave should be selected as an app in the second step (or later) of the workflow, where the preceding step is collecting audience information. Additionally, there should be atleast one more step following Nexweave in the workflow, in which the method of transmitting the personalized media is configured. 

Let’s dive deeper into how you can integrate Nexweave with KonnectzIT. For this we are using a simple example of a Google Form > Nexweave > Email workflow. 

1. Begin by authorizing the apps to be used in the Konnectz. 

2. In our demonstration, we authorized Google forms by logging into our google form account and GMail by logging into our GMail account. You may use any other form or email application available with KonnectzIT.

3. To authorize Nexweave, search and select Nexweave within the Apps section. A dialog box requesting an API key will appear.

4. To get the API key, login to your Nexweave account, and navigate to Integrations 

5. Click on Add Key. Then enter a name for the key, and click on add key, once again, to confirm.

6. Then, copy the generated API key, and paste it into the KonnectzIT pop-up.

7. Once the desired apps are authorized, proceed to Create Konnectz

8. Drag and drop the Google Form app to the workspace. Under Choose Trigger, select New Response In Spreadsheet

9. Then, under Choose Configuration, select the google sheet where your form responses are being stored and then set the worksheet.

10. Click on Test & Review to test the Konnectz for a sample response. The responses obtained will be listed against their corresponding form questions

11. Next, drag and drop Nexweave to the workspace

12. Under Choose App Event select any of the 3 actions discussed above. In our demonstration, we have set the action to Create Experience with Campaign

This is because we will be sharing an email that contains a personalized image that hyperlinks to a video landing page

13. Then, select your desired campaign or template. Please note that the templates listed in the dropdown are from your private libraries and the campaigns listed are those that are launched in your account. To learn more about creating templates and campaigns, please have a look at the linked articles.

14. Once you select your campaign/ template, the Nexweave variables used in the template will be listed below

15. Map the responses from the Google form to the Nexweave variables

16. Click on Test & Review. KonnectzIT and Nexweave will generate personalized media, based on the form responses. 

17. To view the responses, from the Nexweave test, click on the "+" icon. Select the generated Video_link, Image_link and Thumbnail_link and click on Ok to display them within the workspace.

The Nexweave integration with KonnectzIT is complete!

18. Before we add GMail to the Konnectz, drag and drop the text formatter app (under add-on apps) to the workspace. We will be using this to construct a message that will use the google form responses and the Nexweave links 

19. Within the text formatter, set the format option to Merge Text.

20. Connect all the responses, from the Google form and from Nexweave, that you would like to use in your email body, to the Text input within the text formatter. In our demonstration, we have connected:

  • From the google form:

    • What is your first name?

    • Enter your company’s website/domain

  • From Nexweave:

    • Video_link

    • Image_link

21. Next, type in the text that you would like to use in your email body. Type ‘@’ to select any of the responses within your text body.

22. To insert the nexweave generated media, type in the embed code:

<a href=@{Video_link} >

<img src=@{Image_link} width="75%">


23. Click on Validate to complete.

24. As a final step to the Konnectz, drag and drop the GMail app to the workspace. You may replace this with an alternate app you are using.

25. Under Choose App Event, select Send Email. Under Choose Configuration, set the content type to HTML

26. Then, enter your desired subject, and set the reply to, CC, and BCC fields.

27. Connect the recipient’s email (“to” field) with the google form response for “what is your email address?”

28. Lastly, connect the Text from the text formatter with the email body. Your email is ready! Click on Test & Review to confirm if the email is working as designed.

29. Once you’re happy with your Konnectz workflow, click on Publish to complete!

Here’s an example of what your recipients will receive once this zap is active:

You can access more use cases and examples in the linked articles. You can also recommend use cases and view polls on suggested use cases in our facebook community.


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