Experience Editor
What happens if you exhaust your credits?

Currently, Nexweave permits an account to overrun their credit limit by 2000 credits. That is, your account can have negative credits until -2000. Once your credits are renewed, the negative credits will automatically be deducted from the balance. 

If you exhaust your credit limit by more than 2000,  the images and videos for which campaigns are still active will no longer load and will not be visible to your audience.

Please note: This current credit extension amount is only available till Dec 2021. Starting Jan 2022, Nexweave will permit an account to exceed their credit limit by 20% of the allotted credits (based on your subscription plan) 

After this additional 20% is exhausted, the media assets that have been shared through campaigns will no longer load 

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Nexweave Knowledge Base | 2025