Experience Editor
Managing your components

In the previous articles, we’ve discussed how you can add the various components onto your media canvas. In this section, we will discuss how these components can be managed for image and video templates

Managing Image template components 

As we have previously discussed, you can click on a component tile to add it to the image canvas.

On the canvas, the component is highlighted. It can be dragged to reposition and its edges can be dragged out or in to adjust the dimension

There is also a 3-line icon on the top left corner of the component

Clicking on this reveals the following actions :

  • Bring forward: Clicking on this will adjust the relative ordering of component layers. It will move the selected component to the front

  • Send backward: Clicking on this will adjust the relative ordering of component layers. It will move the selected component to the back

  • Duplicate: This will duplicate the selected component

  • Delete: Clicking on this his will delete the selected component

Managing video template components

For components added to videos, there is an additional specification required - of the timeframe. 

When a component is added to the video canvas:

  1.  On the canvas, the component is highlighted. It can be dragged to reposition and its edges can be dragged out or in to adjust the dimension. There is also a 3-line icon on the top left corner of the component

  2. The component is listed in the components manager, just below the canvas 

The following actions can be performed from the 3-line icon, on the component, within the canvas:

  • Move forward: Clicking on this will adjust the relative ordering of component layers. It will move the selected component to the front

  • Move backward: Clicking on this will adjust the relative ordering of component layers. It will move the selected component to the back

  • Duplicate/Clone: This will duplicate the selected component

  • Delete: Clicking on this his will delete the selected component

The component Manager, allows you to perform the following actions:

1. Adjust the timeframe for the component: Enter the start time and end time for the component. This is the timeframe for which the component will be visible on the video

2. Save the component: Click on the Save button, and enter the component name. This component will then be saved for later use and can be accessed under Saved Components

3. Hide the component: Clicking on the hide icon will hide it from the video, without deleting the component

4. Delete the component: Clicking on the trash icon will delete the component altogether

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